Tuesday, March 14, 2006

And again with the free beer, oh my

So free alcohol is still bad. I need to remember that.

Still don't have the coherency/awakeness to outline the entire Prague trip, but I'll write about it soon - hopefully before I forget it all. Needless to say, it involved snow and me being a dork, so it's pretty much the same old thing.

Had the weirdest incident in EU law today - a friend and I were laughing at another guy's laptop photo, and the professor asked us if we were okay. We responded yes, and she basically was like "well, I think I'll leave" and just packed the hell up. It may have seriously been the most awkward one minute of my life. Of course she ran to the woman in charge of the program - she seems to have been thinking that we were laughing at her. Way to grow a backbone, wow.

And yes. We have a final group dinner coming up on Thursday night, then the "hiliarity" of St. Patrick's Day will ensue. Maybe. I have to figure out how I'm going to manage to get to Brussels this weekend, as my friend Erin is in Amsterdam and I'm trying to see her (but honestly, it would be SO COOL if she made it here! Yay extra study time!). And oh yes - our finals start next week. I'd tell you to pity me, but I already have my flights in to Bratislava the day after they end and out of Rome on the 12th all booked up. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She can't come there because she already promised me that you and her would take pictures of yourselves without me in Amsterdam. So, Cripple is bound to the continent. ;)

What was the picture of on her laptop anyway?

8:18 AM  
Blogger Teri said...

She's not - she's cheap and so am I, and she found a way better deal to come here than anything I found to go there. So HA!

4:52 PM  

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