Friday, February 17, 2006


Yesterday started out pretty boring, but man - can't shake the early morning headaches. I knew it was going to be a boring weekend, so I successfully gathered the ingredients to make some roasted potatoes. I sent out a sad-sack email to everyone who was going to be in town to tell them that I'm looking for stuff to do, and went about doing whatever. My friend Liz texts me to say that they're watching "The 40 Year Old Virgin" and I should come over, so I make to finish my dinner and get the hell out of there.

You know what are good things to have? Oven mitts.

So as of now, I have a gargantuan blister on my left hand from where I grabbed the pan and was not paying attention to the paper towel coverage on the handle. It REALLY hurts, and I'm afraid it's going to burst when I go work out later. I was going to look up how to treat it on webmd like the wound-too-tight person I fear I am sometimes, but I keep forgetting. Maybe I should do that now!

So it's going to be very boring this weekend because my three housemates all went to Torino. It would have been nice to go, but (a) WAY too expensive, and (b) I don't think I'd really relish dealing with any extremely patriotic crowds of anyone at an olympic event, sanctioned or otherwise. It's weird having everything happen at basically real time, though - not that you'd be able to tell that from BBC coverage, though, since it's the same chippy, waaaaaay too cheery woman discussing how great curling is or something at 7 every night. *sigh*

The weather's been mostly the same here - not to sound whiny, but I really could make do with a large dumping of snow. At least if that happened here, I'd get to watch the Brits all freak out while I walked around in sandals or something. Hee.


Anonymous Anonymous said... are missing all the snow here in the States. ;)

That's what you get for being a loser and going abroad and leaving us behind. :)

8:03 AM  

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