Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bravo, British food preservative people. Bravooooo.

It occurred to me today (as I was in the kitchen eating my 23457th piece of bread with a delicious peanut butter/nutella melange (shut UP)) that all the crap food here lasts for-fucking-EVER, while the good food goes bad in, like, two days. It's so aggravating. I ate some pomegranate seeds today, and, well, not my favorite. It could be because they were "use by" January 31 (but, doubtful), or it could be because I remember them much more fondly when I had them last. In 4 year old kindergarten.

It's also EXTRA bothersome because I cannot. stop. eating. I'm really glad that I have all this walking to do, because if that wasn't the case, I'd be in a hell of a situation. These stupid digestives (cookies, basically) are the worst (I LOVE THEM). Add Nutella (which normal people should not do, but as you all know, I am not normal) and it's like gingersnap-chocolate-hazelnut party in my mouth. Good God.

And then I go to wash it down with some skimmed milk and realize that I finished the carton a day ago because (a) it is sized for a wee person who is lactose intolerant and wants to test the waters and (b) it probably expired the day before that.

The mystery kitchen monster has gone through a full third of the gargantuan pasta bag, and has purchased several pork chops and a bag of potatoes that s/he thoughtfully threw on my yogurt in the fridge. Unless this person is a 7-foot behemoth, we're gonna end up having words someday. Fortunately I will avoid coming to blows (at least with that person) this weekend because I'm going to Dublin tomorrow! It's supposed to be a bit warmer there; I'm definitely looking forward to hitting up all the places I didn't get to see when I went with my brother, and we'll be renting a car and driving to Belfast. Photos will be here once I get back, unless I act like the dink I know I am and forget my camera charger or something equally necessary.


Blogger Kate said...

Is it wierd that someone you haven't seen or talked to in umm... 6 years is posting on your blog? (thanks facebook)

I just had to say, Digestives are the best things every, nutella and peanutbutter together are even better, and nutella peanutbutter and digestives all together are fucking fantastic.

Kate Newberry-Gillin

7:48 PM  

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