Thursday, January 19, 2006

Big Plans 2: Electric Boogaloo

So some of us are attempting to get up to Glasgow and Edinburgh the weekend of Feb 2-5, but there's a teeny snafu: nearly every hotel/hostel in Edinburgh is booked up for Feb 4th. Now, I'm willing to hazard it and buy the train tickets tomorrow as planned, but I don't know if the other three are. The two cities are close enough that it wouldn't be difficult to get from Edinburgh to Glasgow, but it suuuuuuuucks, because I don't waaaaaaaaanna have to think. Ew.

Anyway - what are people's opinions on this? Has anyone attempted this before? (Rebekah and Joe, I am staring obviously in your directiooooooooon!) We're renting a car for part of the trip, which will totally be drama enough, so who knows! Maybe we'll just say screw it and drive way the hell up north to Loch Ness. Now there's an adventure, heh.

Ah well. Nothing exciting has really been going on - I shall be dramatically unearthing my grand haircut after it happens on Saturday afternoon (and bitches at Toni & Guy are charging an arm and a leg, so the chopping had better look GOOD). I think I scared some of the guys at the gym today by actually manhandling a punching bag ... with kicks. Woo. Girls can do that, who knew?! All that's happening tomorrow (aside from my crazy "I have to work out as much as possible to get my damn money's worth" mantra that's happening now), one of the girls in the group is celebrating her birthday tomorrow after our well-behaved tour at the Palace of Westminster - I'm sure debauchery will be the word of the night.


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