Sunday, January 15, 2006

Oh COME ON/I am a MANIAC When it Comes to Walking

So I'm torn - the annoying people who just moved into the house I'm living in are watching "Aqua Teen," and that's awesome. But this one guy is amped up like a colobus monkey on crack, and that's just not going to end well with me. Damnit! I need cartoons!

Mmkay - so this weekend was actually pretty decent. Thursday night we all went to the lovely Pint Pot, which is oh so conveniently a five-minute walk away. Unfortunately, it seemed to be "Batshit Crazy 80's Karaoke" night, and Brits? Cannot handle the Michael Jackson. It was paaaaaaaacked, though, and pretty much way more entertaining than we'd anticipated. We then went to Spanish Bar in the sketchy alley, where we made friends with the bouncer and are pretty much going to go there all the time now, since he let us in without a cover, yay! The night ended with the other three buying street-corner-cart sausages, which I thought was possibly the worst idea to ever exist. Unfortunately for my argument, nobody got sick/died, which I guess is better that way.

Friday, the four of us went to the British Museum, where I immediately informed the boys that I had been an anthropology major in undergrad and might seriously lose my shit if they tried to crawl on any statutes. Good thing I wasn't looking when Seth tried to make out with a tiger statue, because I would have smacked a bitch. Ahem. So that was fun, and I got lazy and didn't go out with the boys, who ended up walking around, not able to find the bar they were looking for - further justification that I possess awesome directional skillz.

Saturday was lazy in the morning, seeing as how I totally slept until 1 in the afternoon. Oops! Amber and I then walked all the damn way to Harrods, which means we are awesome and economical. We managed the throngs of people, I fell in love with a $1,000+ Chloe purse that I got to touch and pretend made me cool, and walked home in time to get ready to go out to Tiger, Tiger, London's "premiere meat market," according to Zagat's. So we went, it was actually a good time, and we solidified our opinion that most of the native British boys cannot dance well to save their lives. (For those of you in Germany with me, it was also Part II in the series of "Is he gay or European?!" I think I got a lot wrong, meaning that they were straight.)

The night ended spectacularly badly, with Amber and I not able to find a taxi. We then walked home for, like, 30 minutes, from Piccadilly Circuis to Euston Station, basically (look it up, bitches!) - all that way in 3+ inch heels. I had to give up my embargo on Burger King since I was so damn hungry and hurty, and we finally made it home around 2:15 in the a.m. and responsibly attempted to purchase our train tickets to Bath. That didn't work.

We then woke up at 8:30, went to Paddington Station, bought the damn tickets, got on a train, and visited Bath. Kind of underwhelming, and much more full of crappy-ish stores than I would have thought, but it was definitely a decent way to spend the day. We were hobbling due to the previous evening's adventures, though, and we didn't want to pay the hella expensive entry fee to the roman baths (which, eh - they included a drink of the warm, nasty mineral water, which NO THANK YOU), so we ended up back in London by 7, tired as hell.

All in all, this weekend's events just mean that I have to do the laundry and read 200+ pages by Tuesday that I really meant to do on Saturday. Whee!


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