Tuesday, January 10, 2006


Now, this random observation collection covers the weekend up through today, so I can’t claim 100% accuracy. However, I don’t really care.

-“Why does the rainiest city in the world have the fucking worst sidewalk system so that every. Damn. Drop of rain is caught and I STEP IN IT?!?!”

-The conversion rate is making me weep, which is why I’m basically charging everything and ignoring the bill. Wheeee!

-WHY THE OBSESSION WITH BIG BROTHER?! Especially with Dennis Rodman, a billion old “celebs,” and some chick who’s not actually famous. They talk about it on the NEWS, for the love of god.

-BBC news, though = <3>
-"I did NOT come this many thousands of miles to be surrounded by so much UGLY." --Amber, my wholly entertaining and "pretty much better than the other potential roommates" roommate

-There’s totally a five story H&M at Oxford Street. I’m a happy girl.


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