Sunday, January 22, 2006

It's a delicate balance ...

...between eating my way through the city (they have Cadbury eggs and EVERYTHING! All the TIME!!!!) and finding myself with absolutely nothing to do, leading to my working out for over two hours. Oops. I'm going to be sore and cavity-laden come Memorial Day, I think.

This weekend was nice - out for Annette's birthday on Friday, followed by my insisting that everyone immediately go and get falafel. Then, of course, I got tired and went home, but it was seriously late enough anyway. I guess my pattern is to stay out late if I know I have to ferry people home, which is ridiculous anyhow, and totally won't be happening here. Yay drunk buses - just like Madison!

Then I got my hair chopped. Photo on the flickr site. :)

Matt (from Pace) and I met up with some of his real, authentic British friends last night at a club called "Clockwork" - definitely a good place (reminded me of the Garage/Hi-Hat at home) and has the cheapest drinks that I've come across so far. I even saw my very first authentic London prostitute at King's Cross on the walk over. Thrilling. Barring the sketchy neighborhood sightings, the company was excellent and I ended up staying out WAY later than I had planned. I successfully forced Matt to eat falafel (his first time! heh) and made it home in time to catch the early morning BBC news. Not to fear, they have news on ALL the time, so it's not like one of those 6am things. Unfortunately? Probably not, since sleep is an excellent thing in my world.

Oh, just for Alison, they totally played "No Diggity" at the club last night, and THEN they had something on BBC news today talking about reducing the squirrel population. Very you, very chic.

Everyone else: the gym was playing the OC where they go to the sketchy skank-ho's cabin. It was excellent, except for the sweaty people around me.


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