Tuesday, February 14, 2006


-They passed a smoking ban in London for the bars and clubs!!!! Unfortunately, it won't take effect until next summer, but damn. I get to leave my legacy of bitching about bar smelliness behind. If only they'd do this in Milwaukee ...(and sorry to my smoking friends, but you know it's totally the way to go. Come on!)

-Valentine's Day. Woo. I think the Royal Mail (faaaaaaaancy, I knooooow - it's really called that) tried to deliver something this morning, but I was really running around the place and didn't know if it was MY room or someone else's that buzzed. It could have not even been me, and if it WAS for me, it could have been non-valentiney goodness. I'll probably find out tomorrow morning at like 8am when they come back and buzz my room while I'm totally trying to sleep, yay.

-I'm tempted to cut my hair even shorter. Thank the lord I don't really have enough money to do that right now.

-Do you know what's even better than salt and vinegar chips? Salt and BALSAMIC vinegar chips! Oh. Sweet. Jesus. Yes.

-I miss having people (mainly guys) who I can shoot the shit with, watch the OC (and other lovely television programming), and drink more beer than is normal or good for me. There's nowhere good to hang out here (the lounge does NOT count as good, trust me), and the people are nice, but not "gentlemanly" nice.

-I really cannot wait to get back to the States and buy stuff knowing that it pretty much can't get cheaper than it is unless I were to buy it in a third-world country. Or Canada. Fucking exchange rate.

That's all I can think of, but I know there was something else I was going to write about. I blame it on lack of sleep.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I concur...good thing about smoking bans...of course, the MidWest will be affected last so I can die sooner. :)

I know you miss having me around...the perfect mix of gentleman and fun. ;)

DON'T YOU DARE CUT THAT HAIR ANY SHORTER! You are going to look like my twin with breasts if it keeps getting cropped off!


11:27 AM  

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