Thursday, February 23, 2006

If I had an evil monkey who lived in my closet, I'd probably be yelling "I am in NO MOOD!" at it right now.


I completely woke up on the wrong side of the bed; I've been in a funk since late last night, when I couldn't fall asleep. That sucked. I know I'm running on too little sleep (because I'm a baby), and the weather isn't helping much - it was semi-snowing this morning when I walked to my NINE AM class (to find, alas, that nobody was there, even though it was five after. We then proceeded to wait an hour for the professor to show. Awesome). AND the coffee place messed up my order for the third time in a row. I'm not a mumbler, so they're just dumb - that's my determination, at least. So yeah, kind of not in the best mood.

We also have our first final tomorrow. I want to punch something.

I remember what Rebekah was saying when she was in France, but her time over there was for a full year. I'm still getting the whole homesick thing, though, and it doesn't help knowing that I'm missing out on fun stuff. Not that anyone should put crap on hold for me, just that I wish I had people here who I could commandeer with my inane requests to go out drinking or do stupid stuff in general. Partners in crime are lovely things to have.

I also miss just leaving the house and driving around, a LOT (both the missing and the amount of driving, I guess). I never really thought about how much I'd just do that last year and this fall, especially when I was in a shitty mood. Having no car makes it annoying, to say the least, and I just don't get that same tranquility by sitting on the tube, sad to say. Heh.

In more fun news, though, I'm about to book a (far too expensive) ticket to Prague!! Also, we had the moot court dinner on Tuesday - not as delightful as the gentlemanly debate, I have to say, but free wine. Come ON. And our mooters did a great job; much better than I would have done if I'd been standing there, being questioned by a justice of some court that I don't even know, PLUS having to deal with English law. I see my head exploding in that situation.

I drank far too much wine, needless to say. I walked by a KFC the next morning and it smelled so. Good. Ah well. Avoidance is my policy over here, bitches, and I'm doing pretty well so far!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go Prague! That is on my list of cities if I ever return to Europe. ;)

You could go out WALKING around you know...I did that in Jersey and it was not the same, but it did help. ;)

Sorry I can't be there to help you do stupid things. I am busy doing them in the middle of nowhere Iowa. :)

If the coffee place keeps getting your order wrong, why not add coffee to your avoidance list? ;)


11:28 AM  
Blogger Teri said...

There is no way on god's green earth that coffee will EVER be on my avoidance list. EVER!

And walking's not the same when other people don't know how to do it. And one side of my ipod headphones has decided to not work. (Wow, I AM having kind of a rough time :) )

11:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will get over the homesickness...about a week before you go home.

There will be plenty of wild drinking to celebrate your return to the States.

Derek is right on this one thing. Prague is a fantastic city. Please try the beer and find the Sex Machine Museum. The museum is hilarious and thought-provoking without being dull.


3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coffee is disgusting...probably the ONLY thing nasty about you. ;)


8:56 AM  
Blogger Killa O'Shea said...

hey! i have a really great solution to the whole homesick problem--I'M GOING TO COME VISIT YOU!!! after i leave you'll be begging to stay in london to remain as far away from me as possible. are you going to be around march 18-20? please say yes!

and believe it or not, despite all my love for studying abroad, my spring in london was pretty damn lonely too. well not lonely, per se, just nowhere near as good (read: "scandalous") as dublin was. s'all good, really; you'll miss it when it's gone, i promise.

3:03 PM  
Blogger Killa O'Shea said...

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3:03 PM  
Blogger Teri said...

Excellent, Al! Yeah, I've kind of gotten over it already. Needless to say, the part about trousers on your list of fantasticness has played a significant part, heh.

And my apartment is the size of a small cube, so I don't think I can offer you lodging. I WILL, however, be there, so yay!

10:35 AM  

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