Saturday, March 04, 2006

Stonehenge ROCKS! (Oh wow, so lame)

Not a bad weekend so far, but it started off with the best thing EVER on Thursday evening - excellent shoes! (Yeah, not so much with the boots I started off attempting to get. Or the shoes that would be acceptable for work in an office. These would be acceptable for work, but possibly only if I was a cocktail waitress in the Riviera. Or a professional skank with excellent fashion sense.)

I wore those to the Courts of Justice on Friday, where we got to hear some interesting cases. Needless to say, the barrister wigs are a HUGE distraction to those of us sitting behind the barriesters. Also, they need to learn how to pull up their robes - come on, people. The tour lasted for probably far too long, because once we were done we were pretty much itching to get out of there. Luckily, there was a Twinings store across the street where most of us bought entirely too much tea and shortbread.

After that some of us walked (WALKED! in the SHOES!) back to Bloomsbury, where it was our mission to find this Korean place that Wynnie had eaten at before. We wandered around a few wrong streets before we finally made it. What looked to be a sketch Korean grocery store with two options for actual meals for eating (in the basement of the store) turned out to kind of be that, actually; it was really tasty, though. Liz and I went to buy our tickets for the Saturday Stonehenge/Salisbury tour, and I crawled home. Made it to the gym, which proves that I am crazy obsessive, and got home perfectly in time to get a call from Matt, who was looking to kill an hour. We made it to a street packed with Indian restaurants, where we were able to choose just one and I finally had my first Indian meal of food since I've been in London. Not too shabby, I must say!

Today was Salisbury and Stonehenge. I swear that when the alarm went off at 7:30, I almost started crying. Then I started trying to come up with excuses that sounded good so that I could sleep in and not appear to be a complete wuss to my friends.

I did not succeed.

The tour was actually pretty well-organized; we got to Stonehenge when it was still sunny and gorgeous out. And let me tell you, while we couldn't do the Spinal Tap dance around the rocks because nobody really remembered the song, we COULD make fun of the "loser" stones that weren't in the ring of cool stones. I was totally not the only one to come up with and/or enjoy that idea, by the way, so quiet, you. After we took some creative photos and weren't successful in our abilities to jump the barrier and frolic with sheep, we ended up windburnt and frozen.

Then we headed to Salisbury - cute as I remember it, but a hell of a lot more crowded. Also, there was a sketch market, but there was a candy stall there where each and every one of us immediately morphed into a 12-year-old with money burning a hole in his or her pocket. I restrained myself, but it was like gummy-bear-fest 2006, and it was spectacular.

We finally made it back to London and traversed our respective ways through the tube station. I went to buy some DVDs before I went home completely, because I knew I'd be waaaaaaay too tired/resistant to the cold to go outside again once I made it in. And there is where my weekend, as of now, ends.

I totally have to do real work tomorrow, including making some damn Munich hotel reservations and reading an actual case! Who knew! Thankfully I've discovered the ONE Starbucks that's open until 11 in this entire city. Honestly. It's not even the only Starbucks, it's the only coffee shop with those hours. Kill me (or send me chai).


Blogger Teri said...

It's not the chai in a BOX, yo!

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are fine without chai and Starbucks, but you never listen, so you never learn. ;)
As for being a professional skank with a fashion mean you aren't? What do you call what you do then? ;)


4:19 PM  

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