Sunday, March 19, 2006

I should totally be studying.

So tomorrow begins the fun that is "camping out at the ONE Starbucks that's open until midnight, maybe, and is always totally packed, but I really really REALLY need to get some studying done." I really can't wait.

Also, note to Ronan O'Gara - I want to marry you and have adorable little Irish butterball children. Wow. You are the rugby of my heart. (I don't know what that means either.)

AND, England is now deeply involved in the Commonwealth Games, which are basically Olympics Junior. They're happening in Melbourne this year (it's an every-four-years thing), and again - waaaaaay too excited about their sports here. The broadcast team is pretty much exactly the same as it was for the Olympics, except now we're dealing with summer sports. It's pretty much making me as bitter as possible that it's still cold out, and it should realistically be at least in the 50s and it SO IS NOT RIGHT NOW. Argh.

So yes - first final is on Wednesday, and it's International Human Rights - shouldn't be bad, in reality, since I can write about that stuff for days, but I don't know how organized the whole mess will be, since my brain has not exactly been all nice and orderly as of late. I did, however, get a mad rush to clean my room last night, which was "fun." This reinforces the notion that I am my mother's daughter, though, because I am just so incredibly pleased that everything is all organized and somewhat pretty. It's the little things that help me to avoid studying that really make me the happiest right now, heh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You love Ronan O'Gara too, huh? You have taste, I must say ;)

7:19 PM  

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