Thursday, March 23, 2006

Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, weatherman. You WIN.

The weather is turning delicious. It really is. I came out of the gym tonight and was bracing myself for the tortuous winds that we've had, but all I was met with was a kind of half-assed "pffffft" of air. It was so great. It's definitely not tropical by any means, but the air has that kind of smell in it that tells you warmth is coming, and it will be fantastic. Even when it is windy now, it's got no bite at all. The interesting thing is how there's absolutely nothing to melt around here, so there's not a real springish smell to the air at all. It's like fall, weirdly, except it doesn't fill me with dread for any upcoming months of dark and snow. It's lovely. Add to that the incense I smelled and it basically threw me back to being little in Tosa and smelling the church incense. And then I remembered what a horrible, horrible person I am and how I haven't set foot in a church to actually worship in years, and that memory kind of took off. Sprinting.

Since I've written a whole paragraph about the weather, you think I'm avoiding studying for this Comparative Constitutions test. You are quite correct. I really have nothing of substance to say at all, sadly.


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