Friday, April 28, 2006

And now I look like a crazy lady.

I just checked out what had posted and saw that not one, but two of the previous entries that weren't able to be published, that say basically the exact same thing, both mysteriously show up now. Fantastic. I swear I'm not losing my mind.

Was just informed that I have a "well-earned" day off - riiiiiiight. It looks like more exciting inquiry fun for me next week; the most annoying thing about this is that I have to remember to keep a journal regarding every little detail, which makes it tricky when I have days off and am not officially supposed to. It's also hilarious when I send it in for comments and near where I've commented on the relative level of attractiveness of various male barristers, the professor has critiqued it with "Is it difficult to find a balance between performing effectively at your job and finding a suitable life partner?"

What. I seriously busted out laughing at that, in the middle of this hallway at the law school where nobody I know is currently hanging out. With that, I've pretty much cememted my status as the weird girl in the building.

Well, best make the most of the money I've already paid to the gym and go use it, since otherwise I will mostly be sitting on my ass for a large portion of the day. I need something to liven up the proceedings in general over here, I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok ok i will take the obvious....

so you aren't a crazy person?



7:41 PM  

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